Get started with Rundeck, the free, open source software distribution, and upgrade to PagerDuty Runbook Automation as you grow.
Workflow Execution
Standardization of IT Workflow execution (Provisioning, Security, Software Updates / Deployment, Change Configs, Opening Ports, and more)
Key and Password Encryption
Basic Ops Scheduling for Tasks
High Availability Clusters, ensures Runbook Automation is continuously operational
PagerDuty managed high availability and reliability with SLA (99.9%)
Auto Takeover, if a Cluster Member goes down, all scheduled jobs on that member are moved to a healthy instance
Retry Failed Nodes, re-run a job if it fails to complete on specific nodes, but only for the nodes which failed on the prior execution.
PagerDuty handles security patching, protection, monitoring, and compliance.
Customer builds resiliency
Certified Enterprise Plugins (PagerDuty, ServiceNow, Datadog, VMWare, Github, AWS SNS, SQL Runner, and many more)
Advanced Webhooks, GitHub, AWS SNS, PagerDuty, etc.Includes Rule Based Processing and in-product Debugging
Load Balanced Workloads, horizontally scale your Rundeck cluster by designating specific cluster members to handle certain types of traffic or certain types of jobs
Workflow Visualization
GUI based ACL via Access Control Rules Builder and Evaluator
Configuration Management, set configuration settings via the GUI and store them in the Rundeck database
Missed Job Fires, if a job doesn't run at the scheduled time, an execution with a status of "missed" will be added to the activity page.